Service Agreement

Matted Hair Removal

Pets with matted coats require extra attention and time spent during their grooming session. Matting can cause pain to the pet if left for an excessive amount of time, so it is important to remove all knots and matting to prevent this. Your pet’s health and comfort are priority, therefore brushing out and dematting a pet will only occur if believed to be safe and painless to do so. In cases where the coat cannot be dematted and kept longer, the pet will be clipped short for comfort and safety. Matting and knot removal will incur extra fees starting from $10. Although all care is taken, removal of matts has an increased risk of cuts and irritations to the pet’s skin due to unseen warts and skin folds. Shaved pets may also exhibit brief behavioural changes, but these should only last until they adjust to the new sensation of having their matts removed. Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming will not be held accountable for accidents that may occur due to matting. 



Owners must inform Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming if their pet has ever shown aggression in the past, this is so the groomer can be prepared and take time to calm your pet before and during the grooming session. Aggressive dogs may need to be muzzled for safety. If the aggression is causing severe stress to the dog or making it too difficult to continue grooming, Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming may need to discontinue the grooming session. In this circumstance, there will still be a fee charged for the time spent grooming the dog.

As sedation is not used, Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming reserves the right to refuse cats that show aggressive behaviour. In this circumstance, a veterinary clinic is recommended.

Medical Conditions and Senior Pets

Grooming appointments can be stressful for senior pets and pets with pre-existing health conditions. Owner’s must inform the groomer if there are any known medical conditions with their pet. Although extra care and precautions are taken, senior pets and pets with health conditions can still have a greater chance of injury so will be clipped for comfort, cleanliness and in styles that require less time spent being groomed. In the case of an emergency, Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming will contact you immediately and take the pet to the nearest veterinary clinic. It is agreed that any expenses from emergency veterinary care due to very old age and pre-existing health conditions, will be covered by the pet’s owner.


Please ensure your pet is free from fleas and worms. If fleas are found, the pet will immediately be bathed in a flea shampoo. There will be an extra fee to cover the products used and the extra time spent cleaning the area to prevent spread to other pets. If ticks are found, they will be removed using the safest method according to the tick removal recommendation on the CDC website. You will be informed if ticks are found and advised to observe your pet closely.

If your pet is showing signs of lethargy, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, or they have any abnormal discharge from the nose or eyes, please keep them at home and reschedule the appointment to avoid spreading illnesses to other pets in the salon. Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming reserves the right to refuse any pet that is noticeably unwell.

Pet Photos and Social Media

Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming posts photos on the business’s Facebook page regularly. Please inform us if your pet’s identity is to be kept private and you request no photos be posted.


It would be appreciated if any complaints you have are handled by contacting Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming privately. This will give us a chance to work with you and rectify the situation so both parties are satisfied.

No Shows, Cancellations and Late Arrivals

Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming will contact you to confirm your pet’s appointment prior to your visit. No shows or cancellations on the day of your appointment will incur a $20 fee to be paid at your next appointment. Repeat cancellations or no-shows will result in non-refundable pre-payments for future appointments.

Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming is a by-appointment business, and a time slot is allocated to each pet. Late arrival to your appointment may mean that Cheeky Chops Pet Grooming is unable to provide the full service booked in for.

Late Pickups

For pets that are picked up after closing time, a $10 fee will apply at the conclusion of each 15-minute block.